Vaccin8 Mobile App Design

Vaccin8 Mobile App Design


Project Summary

Currently, only a piece of paper is proof of testing negative or being fully vaccinated. There is no universally accepted verification method that lives virtually, securely, and always accessible.

By  designing a safe and secure COVID vaccine passport for safety-conscious users to access and use, we will help ease a lot of anxiety about going out and traveling after the pandemic.



I collaborated with two other team members, Cyndei McKinney and Amy Shin, to complete this project. 

As more and more people are becoming vaccinated and life slowly returns to normal, many people are still wary about traveling or attending events. During our research, many interviewees voiced their concerns about COVID protocols and accessibility of information since the COVID guidelines and practices seemed to differ from country to country, state to state, and even city to city. They were also worried about providing proof of vaccination to attend events or enter businesses, especially since the COVID vaccination record card is just a piece of paper that could be easily lost or damaged. 
We worked together on the user research, definition, ideation, and testing. I was elected to create the UI style guide and design the visuals and the high fidelity prototype. Having previous coding experience, I was also charged with our app's front-end development using HTML/CSS. 


How we researched:

  • Extensive heuristic evaluation of this and comparable apps

  • Competitor Analysis

  • Accessibility testing

  • User testing

Here’s the problem:

Currently, only an easy-to-lose piece of paper is proof of testing negative or being fully vaccinated. No universally accepted verification method lives virtually, securely, and always accessible.


Who are we talking to?

Using our Affinity Diagram, we created a user persona. Meet Kevin Smith, a software engineer from Portland. He's a family man, with a wife and two kids. He's doing what he feels is necessary to keep his family safe. His biggest goal is for things to calm down enough for him to go to a Mariners baseball game against the Yankees in New York. He just wants to get back to drinking beer with his buddies and watching baseball live.


Test, Iterate. Repeat.

User Testing revealed a smooth flow in both low and hi fidelity prototypes. Iterations were mainly to improve the breadcrumbs for onboarding and added security concerns reassurance.



Here’s where I get to have fun… micro-interactions, animations, drop-downs; whatever it takes to keep the viewer interested.